
Rua Elisabetta Lips, 118 - Jd.Bom Tempo - Taboão da Serra/SP - CEP 06763-190


(11) 4303-7387
(11) 96638-9038
(11) 94736-9778



Huge LLM Models Like Google Gemini Could Be a Rare Breed As AI Trends Shift

Intuit Introduces Generative AI Operating System with Custom Trained Financial Large Language Models These prompts provide the model with a single example to replicate and continue the pattern. You might have noticed that the exact pattern of these few-shot prompts varies slightly. In addition to containing examples, providing instructions in your prompts is an additional […]

Where to get a Partner Online

If you’re prepared to start a significant relationship and find a wife, it may be time to try online dating. It’s safe and sound, and you can meet up with potential partners from throughout the world. It’s also a powerful way to meet individuals that share your interests and values. https://mailorderbrides2.com/african-countries/nigeria/ In addition , you […]

The Nuances of Dating And also the

Dating foreign people can be exciting, loving and a learning experience. You can learn about a new culture which may have a profound influence on your romantic relationship and your your life. However , you should also try to know the negatives associated with this kind of dating. Some red flags to buy include economical […]

The Challenges of Dating in Other Countries

As the world becomes smaller sized, we are getting together with people from all different ethnicities more and more. Seeing outside the culture can be an incredibly rewarding encounter and it’s not at all times as hard as you might believe. In fact , various multicultural and long-distance couples have a very high success rate. […]

The Nonprofit Planks Role

Board subscribers have many different duties which have been important to the achievements of not-for-profits. These include gratifying legal requirements, portion seeing that fiduciaries and representing the organization. But they also enjoy an important function in helping the business develop a strong culture, tactical focus, effectiveness, and economical sustainability. Employing and managing a CEO/Executive Director […]